Immunostimulating properties and benefits for the body.
Originally from North America, echinacea (or more correctly in the plural, echinacee, like purpurea, angustifolia, pallida) was initially used for various uses: from skin diseases to arthritis. Today the plant is stably present in the immunological “first aid”. In this webinar for professionals, Dr. Cannillo will analytically present its properties and benefits for the human body also in view of a possible new viral “wave” in the coming weeks.
Phytotherapy and immune defenses
between ancient sciences and modern techniques.New wave?
Mistakes and risks to avoid.Echinacea:
ideal ally of the immune system.Echinacea:
phytotherapeutic supplementation tips and protocolsQuestion Time
Attendance and
certificate: Training webinar consisting of a single module.
Participation in the seminar is free and reserved for professional operators.
The achievement of the Certificate of Attendance will be recognized exclusively to those who participate live. The Certificate of Participation is considered obtained after at least 40 minutes of connection and will be sent in PDF format to the email indicated in the registration form.
Tongue: Italian (with simultaneous translation into Spanish)
Organizing Secretariat:
division of: Forza Vitale Italia SRL
Via Castel del Monte 194/C 70033 Corato (BA) – Italy
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