The starting point for every quality, effective and safe product is the selection of raw materials.
The I.C.E – Integrated Circulative Extraction – is our procedure for extracting the active ingredients: from plants to our supplements.
Always in Forza Vitale research and development are the keywords at the base of every single company step: from the realization of the products to their marketing.
At Forza Vitale we are deeply connected to the concept of “social responsibility” addressed to the territory hosting our company.
The company organization chart consists of three areas: Management Area, Scientific Management and Manufacturing.
The Management is accompanied by the Scientific Information Area currently present in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and the U.S.A.
Forza Vitale also makes use of authoritative experts in the fields of health, nutrition, and well-being (doctors, biologists, pharmacists, psychologists, university researchers) who collaborate on a regular basis in the planning and implementation of its training activities in Italy and the world.
Management Area
Administrative Manager
Sales Manager
Marketing Manager
Scientific Direction
Scientific Director
Quality Assurance
Educational Team